Monday, November 5, 2012

A Big Ol' Minus Sign

Life has not been great lately here at The Groovy Homestead.  We've been plagued by months of illness and injury.  Babydoll had two back-to-back ear infections, began teething the two-year molars, and swallowed a penny, which became stuck in her esophagus and she had to go under general anesthesia at the ER to have it removed.  Most recently, Babydoll's Daddy fell and broke his hip.  For real.  And no, he's not THAT old.

To say I've been stressed out is an understatement.

While venting to my mom one night, she told me something she had heard on the radio recently.  A man was on the morning show, talking about negative energy and asked the listeners if they knew people who'd had one bad thing happen after another.  He claimed that there was a lot of negative energy on the planet, and it's affecting a great many folks.

Well, hell.

My mom told me I ought to think about my karma and consider any "bad" actions that may be affecting my current situation.  I do believe in karma, and I do believe in good and bad energy.  I've been thinking about it a lot lately, as my stress levels (and blood pressure) rise.  I'm not always the nicest person.  Sometimes, I am downright mean.  The ideal me would be kind, generous, open-minded, and patient.  I am far from the ideal me.  Very far.

Back in the day, before career and domesticity claimed me, I practiced a bit of Wicca and was constantly cleansing myself and my home of bad energy.  It's been so long since I've done that, I couldn't even remember the basics of what I used to do.  I had to Google it.

Starting this week, I am going to work on becoming the ideal me.  I'm going to begin by cleansing my home of the negative energy, because I can feel it as soon as I come home.  That is no place to raise a child, nor nurture an adult relationship.
  • Remove all the clutter
  • Burn a white candle in every room
  • Smudge sage, in a counterclockwise direction throughout the house
  • Sprinkle a bit of salt in the corners of each room
  • Keep positive thoughts and images in my mind as I do all of the above
It occurred to me recently that when we bought and moved into our home, I never gave it a spiritual cleansing.  Dumbass!  The house was a foreclosure, so naturally, there was a lot of negative energy in the space.  I've often felt "something" in Babydoll's room and experienced some mischief in there (things have gone missing, toys that I know have been turned off will make noise in the middle of the night, the cat is fascinated by her room).

For myself, I'm going to try breathing more and reacting less.  I think it may just be that simple to diffuse a bad situation.  I hope.

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